This is for my blog friend Marlene who has never seen a moose. Sorry she has no rack to speak of but female moose dont have "those kind of racks". Bahahahaha! Thought you would appreciate that Marlene. Seriously...this is a Mamma moose. She and her 3 baby moose hung around our cabin in Colorado while we were on vacation a few weeks ago. They are beautiful, graceful animals. We must have watched them for hours. I so wanted to pet them but we were told they were aggressive if you got too close. They came within 20-30 feet of us but thats as close as they got.
Wow how exciting to have the moose so close by.
My Hubby was in Norway last week and he saw a Mr Moose !!!
Thanks for sharing that - I too have never seen a Moose...Mr or Mrs...any other animals pl show..love it
Oh man, I'm JEALOUS!!! How cool!!!!! That does it, I'm following you. You get to see all the cool animals!
Joan said:
You are just way to cool...and so was your trip.
I wanna go BACK! please?
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